Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby Carrier etc...

Mothercare 4-Position Carrier - RM140
Sale RM120
Retail Price RM265
borong min 6 pcs (email/sms utk harga)

Product information:

Offers 4 positions including nursing position for discreet feeding- perfect for an active breast feeding mum.
4-position carrier: baby faces you from birth (from 3.5kg), baby faces outwards (from 3mths), baby rides piggy-back style(from 3 mths), or lies in the nursing position for discreet feeding
Suitable from birth to 12kg
Gel padded strap - your little one will keep growing heavier, but our unique gel filled ventilated shoulder strap ensures that you'll always stay comfortable
Sophisticated support - a special ergonomic design spreads the weight across your back, front and shoulders, improving your balance and comfort
Simple expansion - our unique zip-pull adjusters let you easily expand your carrier to suit your growing baby
Removable liner
Comfort cushioned with special padding on the inner seat and leg and arm hole to give baby a comfy, cosy ride
Easy flat opening - hassle free design makes it simple to put your baby into the carrier
Easy adjust straps - for a snug, comfy fit everytime
Machine washable
Available COlor : Blue Black, brown
This item is Mothercare Original & Brand New.

Japanese baby carrier

Material: Denim + cotton

bukaan zip utk mudah masukan baby


Material: Cotton tebal

bukaan pelekat zap


Adjustable utk carrier di bawah

Material cotton tebal

zip & butang



Material cotton

2 design

sesuai juga dijadikan gift for newborn

Growth chart- RM25

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SALE CUTI SEKOLAH 1/6-15/6 2011

Kindly refer to album KIDSWEAR dlm fb Kain Ela Dotcom utk melihat harga sale utk sementara waktu

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Polo Ralph Lauren Jeans - RM39

Burberry pants - RM35
stretchable cotton sateen
color: cream/ pink/ black

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Long/Short sleeves Polo Ralph Lauren Shirts - RM35

GAP - RM15

Blouse Zara - RM59
Now RM45